Monday, July 16, 2012

The Master Cleanse (Lemonade Diet) - Day 9

Day 9 On The Master Cleanse (Lemonade Diet):

You can view my body shots on my Youtube vlog at: Today is day 9 on the Master Cleanse. Today was so hot and it really affected me today on the cleanse. Experienced a lot of headaches and ringing in the ears. Drank a whole bunch of water and now feeling better.

My stats:

Starting weigh in: 229.8 lbs
Today's weigh in: 223.4 lbs
Weight loss to date: -6.4 lbs
Height: 5' 7" (67in)
Gender: Female

Additional Factors:

Energy levels: energy was alright
Urination: urinating like crazy :)
Bowel movements: I mostly do BMs in the morning. I did about 2-3 times
Appetite increase/decrease: decreased
Cravings increase/decrease: decreased
Food cravings: none
Muscle/Joint Pain: achy but not as much
Eating habits (fuller faster/stayed the same/decreased): decreased
Sleeping habits (better or worse): could not sleep well last night
Quality of sleep (well rested/toss and turn): toss and turn. I don't get much sleep
Heart rate (same/better/worse): --
Blood pressure (same/better/worse): --
Skin condition(same/better/worse): --
Digestion (same/better/worse): getting better
Fidgeting (Y/N):  no
Body temperature (warmer or cooler): --
Breath (smell/other): haven't notice change yet
Headaches (Y/N-Bad/Worse): YES not so bad today

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