Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pure Green Coffee Bean Project - Day 3

I still don't see a difference with using the Green Coffee Bean Extract. I gained more weight and I am not happy about that. Nothing like Dr Oz said would happen. Let's see how tomorrow weighs out.

Day 3 Update:

Starting weigh in: 232.0 lbs
Today's weigh in: 224.4 lbs
Weight lost to date: +2.4 lbs
Height: 5' 7" (67in)

Additional Factors:

Energy levels: energy was ok.
Urination: urinated most in the morning due to coffee intake
Bowel movements: none
Appetite increase/decrease: increased
Cravings increase/decrease: increased
Food cravings: I felt that I needed to eat everything in the house
Eating habits (fuller faster/stayed the same/decreased): increased
Sleeping habits (better or worse): better
Quality of sleep (well rested/toss and turn): well rested
Heart rate (same/better/worse): same
Blood pressure (same/better/worse): didn't do it today
Skin condition(same/better/worse): No noticeable change
Digestion (same/better/worse): No noticeable change
Fidgeting (Y/N):  None
Body temperature (warmer or cooler): same
Breath (smell/other): none
Headaches (Y/N-Bad/Worse): yes

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I haven't gone through all your info, but saw one of the youtube logs where you were really concerned about pain and regaining weight. I lightly checked some comments and didn't see what I was looking for... If you saw Food Matters and I didn't catch the others, did you check into any of the plant-based info and videos?? The Engine 2 Diet and Dr Barnard's 21-day quick start [www.21daykickstart.org/] are WONDERFUL!!! Rip Esselstyn's father has quite a tale to tell in "Folks Over Knives" [DVD] as well. A lot of Rip's info is free on the internet and check the site above for all of Barnards info .. FREE!! You said in that video that you thought "food should be medicine".. and it IS!!! But only with a whole-foods, plant-based life-style change will you see those benefits. I REALLY hope this is helpful for you... I would spread this to EVERY person on the planet if I could... My heart reaches out to you and hopes you not just check this out (if you haven't already), but LIVE IT and see what changes may come!! (The stubborn ones may take months, but they DOOOOOO happen!!!) Hugs, Sher
